
Design Solutions for Dazzling Displays

Whether it’s transforming shopping malls, town squares, or unique spaces, Synchronized Christmas crafts bespoke Christmas light displays that capture the imagination of your community. Our expertise lies in both elevating existing arrangements and conceptualizing new, mesmerizing displays tailored to your vision and budget.

Collaborating closely with your chosen installer, we ensure every element is perfectly placed for maximum impact. Explore the possibilities—your imagination and budget are your only boundaries.

Discover Our Creations

Visit our Portfolio to witness the magic we’ve created.

Tailored Services for Every Need

  • For Installers: Boost your offerings with our design and programming expertise.
  • Retail Spaces: Attract more visitors with a captivating display designed to enhance the shopping experience.
  • Municipal Projects: Transform city spaces with innovative designs that add a spark of wonder to public celebrations.

Need a project manager? Let us guide your display to success, ensuring timely, cost-effective execution while sidestepping common pitfalls in large-scale display planning.